
Company Policies

Anti-Radicalisation - Prevent Duty

时间:2021-05-26 17:14:58  来源:英格龙教育  已阅:0

Anti-Radicalisation - Prevent Duty Policy

Policy Statement

Oxford Education and Services recognises the importance of making all individuals aware of the Prevent Strand of the national Contest strategy, the policy and procedure to follow if they identify any concerns in relation to radicalisation and extremism, and how we can work with partners to protect children from this form of child abuse. 


Contest is the name of the UK’s strategy to respond to the threat of domestic and international extremism, and the steps that need to be taken to protect the public. The strategy aims to reduce the risk to the UK and our assets overseas, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. Contest is split into four strands:

PREVENT – to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism

PROTECT – to strengthen our protection against terrorist attacks

PURSUE - to stop terrorist attacks

PREPARE- when an attack cannot be stopped to mitigate its impact

From July 2015 schools and colleges are subject to section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which states that in the exercise of their functions, they are to have” due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”, i.e., the unofficial or unauthorised use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.This duty is known as the Prevent Duty and applies to a wide range of public-facing bodies.

The Prevent strategy was revised in 2011 and has the three following objectives:

1. Challenging terrorist ideology by working closely with other local and national agencies and partners,including our communities;

2. Supporting vulnerable individuals through intervention projects;

3. Work closely with institutions where risks may occur such as education, prisons and health.

This duty is passed onto schools in the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (2020) which states that protecting children from the risk of radicalisation (i.e. the process where someone is lead to adopt extreme political, social and religious ideals and aspirations), should be seen as part of ‘schools and colleges’ wider safeguarding obligations, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other forms of harm and abuse:

“Extremism is the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law,individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. This also includes calling for the death of members of the armed forces. Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups. There is no single way of identifying whether a child is likely to be susceptible to an extremist ideology. Background factors combined with specific influences such as family and friends may contribute to a child’s vulnerability. Similarly,radicalisation can occur through many different methods (such as social media)and settings (such as the internet). However, it is possible to protect vulnerable people from extremist ideology and intervene to prevent those at risk of radicalisation being radicalised.”

Oxford Education and Services staff and homestays should be alert to changes in reports of changes in children’s behaviour which could indicate that they may need help or protection. Staff and homestays are encouraged to use their judgement in identifying children who may be at risk of radicalisation and to report any concerns to the Prevent Lead, Dr. Iling Lee. This may result in the Prevent Lead making a referral to the Channel programme.

Protecting children from the risk of radicalisation should be seen as part of schools’ and childcare providers’ wider safeguarding duties, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other harms.




All members of staff should understand the issues of radicalisation. Also,staff  will need to be able to recognise  the signs of vulnerability or radicalisation and know how to report their concerns. If a member of staff has concerns about a pupil then she/he could discuss it with the DSL/Prevent Lead (Dr. Iling Lee). If it seems necessary, they could contact children's social care. This policy outlines a clear procedure for protecting children at risk of radicalisation.

Oxford Education and Services understands that the Prevent duty builds on existing partnerships for example with schools, parents and Local Safeguarding Partnerships. This policy considers the need for effective engagement with partners who are in key positions to spot signs of radicalisation (where this would not expose the child to further risk) and the need to be able to offer assistance and advice to those who raise concerns, and who require sign posting to the right support mechanism. Oxford Education and Services has a Prevent Lead who is responsible for dealing with any concerns in relation to radicalisation:

Prevent Lead Contact Details



Telephone Number/s


Prevent  Lead

 Dr. Iling Lee

 01865 240616


24-hour  emergency contact

 Dr. Helen Wu/ Dr. Iling Lee



Oxford Education and Services understands the importance of awareness training for staff and homestays to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and to challenge extremist ideas (i.e. extreme political or religious views).Staff and homestay training needs are assessed internally with the Prevent Lead/ DSL being the point of advice and support for staff, with regular safeguarding updates being circulated.

Oxford Education and Services ensures that staff and homestays have an awareness of the advice offered to schools by the Department for Education on the Prevent duty. The Government has launched the ‘educate against hate’ website which provides information, tools and resources needed to recognise and address extremism and radicalisation in children and young people.

Recognising risks and vulnerabilities of radicalisation

Children and young people can be drawn into violence or exposed to messages of extremist groups by many means, including family or friends influences, direct contact with extremist groups of organisations, and through the internet.

The risk of radicalisation may be combined with other vulnerabilities including:

Identity Crisis – Distance from cultural/religious heritage and uncomfortable with their place in the society around them;

Personal Crisis – Family tensions; sense of isolation; adolescence; low self-esteem; disassociating from existing friendship group and becoming involved with a new and different group of friends; searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging;

Personal Circumstances – Migration; local community tensions; events affecting country or region of origin; alienation from UK values; having a sense of grievance that is triggered by personal experience of racism or discrimination or aspects of Government policy;

Unmet Aspirations – Perceptions of injustice;feeling of failure; rejection of civic life;

Criminality – Experiences of imprisonment;poor resettlement / reintegration; previous involvement with criminal groups.

Potential risk indicators include:

•Use of inappropriate language

•Possession of violent extremist literature or accessing extremist websites

•Behavioural changes

•The expression of extremist views

•Advocating violent actions and means

•Association with known extremists

•Articulating support for violent extremist causes or leaders

•Using extremist views to explain personal disadvantage

•Joining or seeking to join extremist organisations

•Seeking to recruit others to an extremist ideology.

Some children may be at risk due to living with or being in direct contact with known extremists.

Working with partners to protect children

Oxford Education and Services  recognises the opportunity that the company has to support partners including schools and medical professionals in helping to protect and support children and young people at risk of radicalisation. Disclosures and concerns can be reported to  Oxford Education and Services staff in relation to our own students, and also in relation to other children and young people who our students may be in contact with.

As  radicalisation and extremism are forms of child abuse,Oxford Education and Services is aware of the duty to report cases or concerns in line with the company’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. The Prevent Lead will make a report to the police or the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 for potential terrorist or extremist activity. Non-urgent concerns will be reported by the Prevent Lead to the Prevent Single Point of Contact with in the relevant police force.

Staff should be aware that anonymous reports of suspicious activity can be reported through Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111 or via police force websites. Anonymous reports of potential terrorist or extremist activity can also be made to the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.

Preventing extremism in schools and children's services (Helpline)

Email :




          The contact number is 020 7340 7264

Awareness Training for Staff and Homestays

The following sites provide online training for staff and homestays who can regularly self-brief on how to identify children and young people who are at risk of radicalisation and extremism. Staff are expected to use these tools annually to complement the safeguarding training provided by Oxford Education Services.

Online Course: http://course.ncalt.com/Channel_General_Awareness/01/index.html

Government website with advice offered to schools: http://educateagainsthate.com/

Supplementary reading: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploadfile/system/uploadfile/attachment_data/file/439598/prevent-dutydepartmental-advice-v6.pdf

Procedure for reporting concerns

1.  Oxford Education and Services staff member receives a report about a child or young person displaying indicators of radicalisation from a student, member of staff at a school, parent, homestay or other source by face to face disclosure, email or telephone call, or staff member develops concerns that a child or young person is displaying possible indicators of radicalisation.

2.Oxford Education and Services  staff member adheres to the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy including contemporaneously recording the disclosure in the most appropriate format(using the Tell Explain Describe model if the information is being given by a student), or reporting their concerns in writing to the Prevent Lead, Dr. Lee at iling.lee@englongeducation.com

3.The record of the disclosure is reported verbally as soon as practicable to the Prevent Lead, Dr. Lee at iling.lee@englongeducation.com; tel: 01869 240616.

4.The staff member must submit a written record of the disclosure or concern to the DSL Dr. Lee at iling.lee@englongeducation.com

5.The Prevent Lead will hold an emergency strategy meeting to discuss the incident, assess the alleged threat and risk to the child, implement an action plan and continue to review the situation until a resolution has been achieved.The meeting will be recorded with timed and dated entries within an incident Record to record all actions and updates.

7.The incident will be referred to a statutory agency for further review whereth is is a necessary, relevant and proportionate course of action where a child or young person may be at risk of suffering significant harm or in need of support.


We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed on: …02/ Dec/2020…………………………(date)

Signed: ….202103260852199912.jpg……………………………………………………………………


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